Of Girl Hair
Fresh Pink
All women, all eras, you’ve all been lied too. You’re gorgeous no matter what, but the myth of your bush being unhygienic is just untrue. Your pubic hair protects your vagina from excessive sweat, infections, and more! Plus it’s natural and beautiful.
The Fresh Pink has created an all natural product that works with your bush to help reduce the odoris sweaty oils from your intimate areas and creases, while keeping your pubic hair smelling fresh and desirable.
Check out our products here!

The Fresh Pink
Our product is not douche nor do you put it inside your body. Our product can be used by women who shave, but we specifically created it with a woman’s bush in mind. Fun facts about your bush!
- · It provides protection against friction that can cause skin irritation in this sensitive area.
- It helps reduce the amount of sweat produced around the vagina.
- It helps block your vagina from the following bacteria and infections.
- Sexually transmitted infections.
- Urinary tract infections
- Yeast infections
- It helps regulate body temperature. It is NOT more hygienic to remove pubic hair.
As a bisexual woman who has spent years perfecting my cleansing product, I understand how important it is to be fresh for your partner. One of the biggest things I noticed while enjoying the company of other woman was how their natural smells change depending on her body heat. This is from sweat, the creases around her thighs, and the natural oils and pheromones women create to attract men. But I wasn’t a man! A woman’s pheromones didn’t attract me, I prefered a clean fresh smell with less oils and sweat. And this is why creating The Fresh Pink became a goal of mine.
Check out our products here!

OUR Mission
I love my bush, and love it when I get to spend time with a woman who chooses to remain natural. In my journey as a bisexual woman I wanted to give other women the most pleasurable experience as possible with me and my body. Especially since I have encountered so much negativity towards women who decide to stay natural and unshaved.
I started working on an all natural product that keeps my intimate areas smelling fresh, didn’t effect my pH of my inner vagina, and my partners love it! So I decided to share with other women!

Say hello to your bush, say goodbye to your insecurities.
The Fresh Pink is made of all natural ingredients that have antifungal and antibacterial agents that help eliminate odors such as sweaty oils and natural body odor. No artificial fragrances are added.
Fresh Pink
of girl hair
We Asked
To Shave Or Not?
Our Question
We surveyed 100 women and asked them how they maintain their pubic region.
Our Results
Surprising only 3% kept their bush all natural. With 97% totally shaved or trimmed.
You Answered
Reach Out To Our Staff
Contact details
The Fresh Pink
+55 55 555 555
The Fresh Pink